
Social work leaders in excellence since 1979

The operational work of SAASWIPP is done by members who serve voluntarily on committees to implement the mission of the organisation.


These committees are represented on the National Executive Board (NEB) by the Chairperson who reports back to the NEB and advises the NEB on strategy and direction for the organisation.

Portfolio Committees

Adoption Committee

Adoption is a specialised field of social work. Social workers interested in specialising in this field of practice require accreditation by the respective Provincial Departments of Social Development. The prospective adoption specialist must then register a Speciality with the SA Council for Social Service Professions. Once this is completed the social worker can then use the title of Specialist in Adoption Work (SIAW).

 The role of the Adoption Portfolio Committee is:

  •  To advocate on behalf of all adoption specialists regarding legislation that may impact on their area of practice and income generation.
  • To address all adoption queries that are referred via SAASWIPP.
  • To ensure that the voices of private Adoption Social Workers are heard at the highest decision making body i.e. NCCCPF.
  • To collate information regarding adoption in collaboration with the NGO sector and other adoption service providers.
  • To provide expertise to SACSSP on matters relating to adoption specialisation.
  • To market and publicise adoption awareness.
  • To publish regular broadcasts and updates within the adoption field via the SASWIPP newsletters.
  • To assist newly specialised practitioners to link with their adoption units.
  • To facilitate and contribute to social media platforms to promote adoptions as an option of care for vulnerable children.


Council Liaison Desk

The Council Liaison Committee liaises with the SA Council For Social Services Professions and the Professional Board for Social Work about various matters affecting private practice. The members’ views are collated and advocated for at Council on their behalf. These may be issues requiring resolution with the Council itself or might require assistance from the Council.

Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee was established to:


  • Promote continued professional development and training opportunities for social workers in private practice.
  • Liaise with the public and refer clients to SAASWIPP members if they are in need of professional services.
  • Establish accessible support and peer review groups for social workers in private practice.
  • Keep members informed of relevant and latest policies, legislation and developments in practice via newsletters and broadcasts.
  • Monitor and contribute to social media engagement on behalf of SAASWIPP.
  • Review website content and upload changes to the content or consult on the website design.
ClinMed Committee

The ClinMed Committee fulfils a vital role by: 

  • Promoting the value of members and negotiating with medical aid schemes.
  • Liaising with the SACSSP and the Council for Medical Aid Schemes on behalf of social workers in private practice on tariff rates and the like.
  • Liaising with other relevant health care providers and service providers.
  • Guiding members in terms of ICD 10 coding and other diagnostic criteria.
  • Contributing to developments in policy and encouraging members’ adherence to policy in clinical social work and health social work.
Membership Committee

The Membership Committee assists prospective members with their applications to ensure their qualifications match the criteria set by SAASWIPP.

 The Membership Portfolio also assists with requests or questions that new members might have.

Ethics Desk

The SAASWIPP Ethics Desk serves as a specific support service within SAASWIPP as one of the benefits of membership. It is a resource to members who wish to have the opinion of senior colleagues who are familiar with the field of ethics for any ethics concerns they may be grappling with. Ethics Desk members will provide written opinions in response to written questions.

Members should note:


  • The Ethics Desk is not a supervisory service. Neither SAASWIPP as a professional association nor individual Ethics Desk members accept supervisory responsibility for the practice of the SAASWIPP member concerned. The member requesting the advice will at all times remain fully responsible for their own professional conduct.
  • No verbal engagement about the matter concerned will be entered into.
  • This service does not replace other forms of support such as consultation between colleagues.
  • The service will be managed by the NEB member responsible for the Ethics Portfolio who will ensure that the identity of the person lodging the enquiry and that of the team member providing the response will remain confidential to ensure impartiality.
  • Resources are available in the membership section of the website regarding ethics.
Legal Desk

Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do (Potter Stewart)”.  

The Legal Desk acts for the collective of private practices and as such provides proactive guidance and advice on legal, legislative, and regulatory matters to enable the NEB to:


  • Know, understand and respond to the implications of these matters on social work as a field of practice in general and social workers in private practice specifically; and
  • Advocate, advise and provide collaborative voices on matters pertaining to the rights of social workers and their clients.

Provincial Committees

We have members in all provinces and four constituted provincial committees namely, Kwazulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Gauteng.

Developments are underway to initiate similar committees in all the provinces. Committees are constituted by volunteers and are governed by SAASWIPP`s mode of conduct and ethics.

The committees manage and facilitate the functions of SAASWIPP at grass root level. They provide support, networking and CPD training opportunities for their members.

Eastern Cape

Chair – Dr Heather Rauch

Vice Chair – Riesl Spies

Secretary- Charmaine Oosthuizen

Treasurer- Melany van Rooyen


Chair and orientation programme – Sally Baker 

Paula Hildebrand

Treasurer – Lisa Burger

Sandri Appelgryn

Dr Penelope Kupa

Support group – Dr Bernadette Dalgety

Support group – Marié Janse van Rensburg 


Agnes Nonkosazana Mbhele-Chair and overseer

Ronel Ferreira- Vice chair;Training organiser

Indira Gilbert-Mentor

Jeanette Harmse-Treasurer and venue coordinator

Priyadarshni Naidoo-:Secretary and Catering coordinator

Gugu Ndabezitha-Medical aid rep.

Glenda Munsamy-Adoptions portfolio rep.

Western Cape

Brenda Lane(chairperson)

Wendy Robinson (treasurer)

Dr Lorna Olckers (administrator)

Hilary McLea

Sheila Selfe

Lynne Hogan

Tania Frassek

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SAASWIPP is a voluntary professional association of social workers in private practice. Our members are experienced qualified social workers, registered with the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP).

SAASWIPP believes in the value of the Social Work profession and in the valuable contribution made by social workers in private practice to mental health, psychosocial well-being, welfare and development in South Africa.