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  3. Eunice Marais
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Eunice Marais is a registered social worker and accredited mediator in private practice. She obtained her B. Social Work degree from Stellenbosch University in 2014 after which she obtained her MA. Social Work (Cum Laude) degree in 2016 also through Stellenbosch University. Eunice is currently busy with her MA. Forensic Practice in Social Work through North-West University. Her current research focusses on child sexual abuse disclosure.

Having a specific interest in children and victims of sexual abuse, her practice focuses on the assessment of children, care and contact evaluations as well as forensic investigations into allegations of abuse. Eunice also believes in empowering children by means of proper, age-appropriate sex-education with the aim of doing away the stigma and shame around sex which often leads to, amongst others, teenage pregnancy, child sexual abuse and the underreporting of sexual abuse.

Additionally, her interest in understanding people in high conflict situations - especially couples involved in high conflict divorce matters - inspired her to further her training in mediation. Through mediation, she assists families to find alternative, amicable, and constructive ways to resolve conflict before approaching the court. Eunice firmly believes that mediation can be a more cost effective and empowering way to deal with conflict and disagreements.

Contact Information
Phone: 0722825815

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